There is something I'm curious about.  I'm fairly certain that one of the bouncers at a bar I frequent--that is, pump money into--does not like me, and might be planning on killing me--more likely wishing me ill fate.  And now, I'm certain, as something peculiar happened this evening, which I will relate to you, just in case--it was that fat, blond metalhead who has the Stare of Jefferey Dahmer at The Park.  I'm pretty good friends with the other bouncer and the waitress who works those nights, in terms of endearment.  The other thing I noticed is Jeffery Metalhead has a young/Uncle relationship with the elder bouncer--they actually might be related.  I'm quite fond of the elder bouncer, as he seems like a very good man, and we always use coarse language on each other, but lately I've been getting an uneasy feeling from Jeffery Metal Head--not so much that he doesn't respond to my drunken witticisms, but just from the way he stares at me.

So, today, I told my barkeep I'm going to write you a witty letter in lieu of a tip (layaway), as is my wont, but then I saw Jeffrey's Uncle, and I said, "Me, you, tic-tac-to!"  So we played, and I won very quickly--which is odd--and then he went to his business and I went to write my tip on ______ notepad, and Jeffrey grabbed it from my hands and he said no more letters for tonight with that dull blankness to his fat bearded face.  I guess I got angry, but I didn't think it warranted yet, making a scene.

I told ____, in a note which I wrote out of spite: That guy's going to be a serial killer.

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