- You know, we could probably stay here till the lights close.
- You mean, lights come on?
- Frederic!  Frederic, my unassuming soft brotherous friend:  Get your turd brother out of here!
He wants me to imply--and for that get caught
- I think he's asleep now.  He's going to Magic Mountain, he's only in the 6th grade.
- Well, wake him up!
- I surely will not!
- Yea you didn't talk this big in high school!
- If you're imply--
- That you shit your pants on the Colossus!
-- No, Evan, grow up.
-- Shit yourself all over!   (Looking around, there is a crowd gathering on Nevsky Prospect). Yea!  Shit himself all over!  Yea, that's right!  You, Evan or Frederic: two characters in the shit eating contest!
-- You are getting quite lazy.
--Who said that!  (Looks around)

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