Lil' 'bra and N'famous Child Eatr meet with Levinstein

- Hey guys?  She take care of you?  We have a bunch of 40s in the back.
-- (Lil bra) Lev, cut the shit.
-- (child eater). Yea man, I can't even order a steak no more.
--( Lev). Why, it comes up dry?  Sorry, I had some wine earlier.  What's up guys?
--(Lil bra). Yo, we need him where we got him, where he needs to be!
-- (Lev). What?
-- ( N'famous child eater). Yo, Lev, I thought we had some plans, long term, or at least it felt like...
-- (Lev) Look, Orenthal--
-- (Lil bra). Yo man, he needs to be a raptor!
-- ( Lev). What? 
-- ( Lil bra) when Toronto was a Saurus, feel me?
-- ( Lev). Orenthal?  Can you explain to me, exactly what your brother is saying?
-- (Lil bra). ....He needs the jerk like a chicken, feel me?  And jerk it, too!
-- (N'famous child eatr): Clive, will you shut the fuck up!
-- (Lil bra) Yo, I got the gold teeth!  
-- (N'famous): Lev, I thought we had something planned out for me.  We got my brother involved, and that Canadian Jesus rock band.  Where's my flame?
-- (Lev)  Oh, it's that Cereal Killa!  He's got your heat.
-- (N'famous). My heat?  you mean my wrath?  Should I get Alisha?  Is she in danger?
-- (Lev) No, it's just that you eat children, but he rapes younger women (liberals 15-24).  Children don't buy records.
-- (N'famous) Oh man, this shit is really bumming me out!  This shit is really bumming me out!  It's like I don't even want to eat children no more!
--(Levinstein). Get a hold of your boy, Lil 'bra!  He flies out of his contract, I'll eat your children!
--(Lil 'bra). ...shit!  If you can track em all down!

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