Why do they have imitation crab, and not imitation lobster.  You gotta figure imitation lobster would be more popular, on account of all the people who would like to eat lobster but can't afford it.  You could have imitation lobster that you could buy for home.  And the same with caviar.  But you gotta make sure the falsh ones taste the same as the real thing, just like a gucci purse.  So the real superficial ones can try to pass it off as the real thing, and only a discerning eye--or in this case, palate--can tell the difference.  A real rich bastard.

And you can bet this becomes an issue when some real rich dad plans a wedding for his daughter in the bangquet hall.  "That better be the real thing!"

"Yes sir, I assure you it is."

You never really know.

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