The Mayonnaise Co. Board Room

-Men.  Oh, and Susanne--we need some innovative new strategies.  We have the sandwich market cornered.  Anytime someone makes a sandwich, they think of us.  But we need a new...alley... a new stream--We need to tap into a new market, if you will.  A new market that shows consumers we're not just for putting on your bread when you make a Mutton and Cheese sandwich, No.
- Well sir, how about we create a European flavor, so people can dip their French fries?
- Are you kidding?  Do you know how much that would cost us, Anderson?  Besides, the Europeans are fags.  Americans are the best consumers.  (looks out the window) Good ol fat Americans.  They want their cake and...Wait a minute! How bout pastries and baked goods!
- Cakes, sir?
- Desserts!  They want to be fat? We can make them fatter!  Cakes use eggs; mayonnaise has eggs.  I can't believe you morons didn't think of this earlier.  Susanne, get the lab team started on some recipe that uses our product--and a whole lot of it- in making a cake!  If we can substitute it for butter, even better.  I hate those bastards.  Have all new labels printed with those recipes by shipping time.  
- Sir, what about the people who do not buy mayonnaise because they report not to like the taste?  Should we introduce them--
- We're developing a special plague for those people.  (looks out the window) Don't you worry about them... We're finished here.

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