See, the problem with Ron Paul, as is with most Republicans, is that they see America as it used to be.... hold on, I'm talking here!... Wait, what'd he say?  My hair?  Look at his hair!  Yea, right Pal!  You wish!  ...See the way I dealt with that bozo?...Oh what was I saying?  Oh, let's go down that street.  I think I saw a 24-hour laundry mat.

Later that Winter,

- So I tells him, 'Yea, Right, Up Yours Pal!  And I stick it in him. What do you mean, with what?  --I did too!  Yea, I did.  You weren't there--Don't listen to him!

And Later that Spring,

- And that's where we found those two rings!  That guy that owes us money, the homeless, who said he gave up living cause shaving took too long.  ...Oh, sorry, I meant paying the rent.  That guy tales us that these rings are time-travelers--I like if we used them we'd be Time Traveliers, or TimeBlasters (the wife's idea).  And I was like, "This bum just sold us Time Traveliers, or fake time travelers"...I forget, Honey... But they worked!

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