Lil' 'bra on local hipster affiliate

-Little Brother...
-excuse me?
-It's leba!
-Are you drunk?
- It's lebra, bich!
-(aside) Tad, are you getting this?
- It's LeBra!
- (aside) He didn't have a root canal.  They like gold teeth.  Ok, you're a freakin moron.  I've had 
with you, just cause you're my sister-in-law's brother-
- Ok, Lil' 'bra, how was it working with Sisyphus?
- Oh, what's happen' cap'n?  It's like CRUNCH!  Lil' 'bra, comin atcha! Ow!  I hasome denal work putin, yo man, Sis is good peeps, har woker.   Yo, allow me to leave white lady, I get back acha.
-(aside) Oh, fuck off, Tad.  At least I don't look like a frog.  Yea, eat me.

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