She got a rump like a sub-woofer

-Lil 'bra, great idea for your next music video!
- Oh, yea, what is it?
- You, sitting in a courthouse, or a grand jury indictment, in a fly suit, and all the cameras and the people's eyes are on you, awaiting your response, and you: laid back.
- Yee.
- While all the inquisition eyes are on you, with your arm hanging on the next chair, and your face: like brush your shoulders off.
- I can see it.
- You turn to the camera and say: All I want to do is a zoom zoom zoom and a boom boom!
- Uh huh! Uh-hu!
- Then all the suits go, "Just shake your rump," And then we just go into the song.
-What song?
-That song!  Isn't it great?
-... How is that going to be my video?
-What do you mean?
-That's not my song.
-It's not your song?
-No, it's not my song.
-...Can't we just tell people it's original?
- Nah G, I don't think so.  But give me a pen and a paper.
- How come?
- Cause I want to write some of his lyrics for my next one.
- Well, I got a better idea.  We pan into you holding the door open for a woman.
- Fuck yea!
- Then it's like, I don't want a lady, but a freak!
- Uh huh!
- She says, "Thank You," but you shake your head and..."All I want to do is a..."
- Earl!  It's the same issue.

Later on in the studio, (talking to a wise old black janitor)
 -Nice to see you do some work around here.
- What you mean?  I'm doing my share.  What, Levinstein sent you to talk to me?
- You and your brother.  You're like kids when you in the studio.  It must have been your papi.
- I remember when Pa would come home at night.  He'd stand erect and look around so mean.  "Who ate my old porridge?"  He'd say viciously.
-You mean, "ate all my porridge?"
-No, it was old.
-...And Mama Bear would hold me real tight in my bee suit from school--I always wanted to be a bee--cause we knew what would be coming.  And the sad part is ...(breaks down)...there was no porridge, there was never any porridge!   
   Hey wait, ain't you been done by crack what 2 years ago?
- I'm a ghost janitor!

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