People say Nature is indiscriminate.  
And that the weather is unknowing--
merciless, yet without malice. 
I say fuck that shit.  

The heat supports rape in third-world countries; 
the heat hopes all the news is bad.  
The heat hopes your neighbor gets a new Cadilac, 
and that you get thrown out on your ass.  
The heat makes your parents dissappointed, 
and keeps your lover dissatisfied.  
The heat makes your pets sulk; 
the heat drops all your calls.  
The heat enjoys ticks and bed-bugs, 
and rubs blood and salt in your eyes.
The heat is a girl who wouldn't screw you; 
the heat is a debtor who flouts your calls.
The heat relishes remembering moments 
that shrivel up your pride.
The heat is a lousy TV dinner, headache, 
and an empty bottle of wine.
The heat is heartbreak and failure; 
the heat is your mother tired.

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