
I'm a big fan of the Kickboxer trilogy plus one. In the first, Van Damme learns to kickbox to avenge his brother's defeat at the hands of Tong Po in Bangkok. This was an instant classic because it featured Van Damme dancing at a bar with every other mans' (?) girlfriend, then beating up all the patrons at the bar.

At the beginning of Kickboxer 2, we find out that after losing in Bangkok, Tong Po shoots dead Van Damme (who is not Van Damme, but a different actor) and his paralyzed brother. From there steps in a new brother, a younger brother never mentioned before, the funny dude from Step-by-Step - the tv show with the Magic Mountain opening credits. He also beats up Tong Po, who interestingly, seems to forget how to fight at the end of both movies.

In Kickboxer 3, Step-by-Step, is a kickboxing champion who travels to Brazil to defend his title, while he also saves Brazilian orphaned teens from the sex trade.

In Kickboxer 4, Tong Po has become a Mexican drug lord, and Step-by-Step now uses automatic weapons.

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