Bring what you can to the table, and maybe we'll feast. Try to forget the past. Don't judge me. That's just something slutty girls say. My neighbor's name is Mrs. Featherbottom. That's rather ironic. An off-duty paramedic saved the life of a man who sawed off his arms at Home Depot. I'm surprised there weren't more off-duty cops and paramedics shopping at the Home Depot. A blank slate, blank stare, blank thoughts. Stuck, and dry, and dull...lull my mind. My eyes could nestle, if I allowed them. If I let them; it feels like practice, and practice makes you drowsy, or stuck, like seeing numbers, eight and seven, nine and seven, and a blank, and count with your fingers to meet the time, count with your fingers if you dare, but hurry, Panic. Blankness, dull black blankness, dumbness feels like a slight pain or hole. I have to take a shit. It makes me crave a cigarette.

Subtract a one from the seven or add it to the nine, then what becomes- but hurry! People are watching

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