
I had a chance to swipe some pills from someone's house the other day, but I didn't. I guess that's progress. Instead, I swiped some of their melatonin. Melatonin helps with sleep, but too much gives you nightmares. That's also interesting. In the mornings I take fish oil, tyrosine, vitamins, and some russian meds for my liver. I haven't had red meat for like five days, and with my new exercise and happy health regimen, that double teriyaki cheeseburger and fries (at the chinaman's joint) will be set aside for occasions, like when I take a lady-friend somewhere special.

Speaking of which, it was recently disclosed to me that my estranged wife was seeing a man, a below-the-mark type of fellow. As sure as jest, I rang him over the chord, and the following transcription conspired:

- Ahoy hoy?
- Yea I got something to say-
- Who is this?
- Yea, listen to this, I paid two sheep and a goat for that slut sow. As such, she is my property.
- Who do you think you are, Princess? You're nothing but a joke, a jester, a cheesecake. 
- Say what?
- A Jack-In-the-Box cheesecake!
- But soft! You go anywheres near her I'll sue your ass for trespassing.
- Vile scaremongering! Rare vulture of the forgotten! Chickenfeed for the peasants, is what you are.
- Chickenlicker! Chickenlicker!

From there the conversation degenerated into something brash, with the word, "Peckerwood," tossed aside along both ends.

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