im pumping myself up through inspirational documentaries about dead athletes

I only took two sips and I feel it.  I think my brain is just welcoming it.I haven't eaten for two days,  nor slept but for an hour, and the whole time I was having a conversation with a man in and out of my sleep,  i was trying to convince him of something and shuffling my feet.  I can't recall the topic but it wasn't anything abrasive, and each time i felt the blanket cover my whole being, i thought he understood, and that I understood.  Funnily, i got up for work.

My favorite NBA moments have been - i love lists, i dont really watch much basketball but documentaries -

3. Game 6 of the Bulls-Suns final in 93, that three way pass at the end to John Paxton.  BJ Armstrong was on that team.  He was short, he looked good shooting threes from the corner.  My favorite players during those years were Alonso Mourning, Anferne Hardaway, and Grant Hill.  When you're a kid you just pick players to support so you can wear their jersey.  It has to do with the color of their jerseys, something really irrational about some slight look about the individual, and their basketball cards.  I later felt a bit disappointed about the path of their careers, whether through injuries...  Daryl Strawberry came to our class during DARE.  He told us not to do drugs.

2.  Reggie Miller's two three pointers against the Knick's in Game 1 of one of their conference (only in america) finals.  It's one of those moments that you like replay over again, and each time imagine or feel what each person in there and in the world felt at that moment.  Im not a Barca fan, but this is what I love about the moment Iniesta scored against Chelsea in the 1-1 semi final against Chelsea a few years back.  He took his shirt off, waving it to the roar of broken hearts and joy, but he still had on a yellow undershirt. He's small, it wouldn't be fitting if he ripped it off.

1.  Robert Horry.  Against the Sacramento Kings.  Need I say more?   Ok, the final shot, the final second, the ball just amiably bounces to him like my doggy, when everyone else is in a hapless war.  He kept himself dignified after the moment, like an awkward statue of a battle hero.  I would have exploded at that moment.  I did, i jumped out of my seat in a dark room.

My favorite sports moment though, was Zidane's volley against Leverkusen, 2002 Champions League Final

Im going to play in a real official tournament tomorrow.  It'll be my biggest field yet, I just hope Im not the first one out.  I earned my seat through our weekly games.  If I cash, we all cash.  If I drink, I won't last, if I don't everyone will see me wagging my tail.  A couple of our guys are doing bigger tournaments.  The cream rose to the top as it should have.

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