give 'em a brain and this is what happens

My dogs have gotten used to me walking them,
wearing them out on the long trek to the liquer store,
cupping my hands so they can have some water.
Lately, I haven't felt like leaving the house.
They go, "Hey man, what the fuck?"
I go, "Shut up, dogs, at least I don't microwave you."

That motherfucker should die!
No trial. No jury.
No fuckin greedy defense attorney.
Ahhh! just let me get my hands on him.

Do you ever read shit on the news,
And imagine what it would be like
to be a puppy with unconditional love,
just tortured, tortured till it dies?
it probably clawed and barked and screamed, whimpered.

Humans are the most disgusting things.
At least animals kill to eat.
Come, Armageddon, Come!

At the end all that I could say,
at least that dog's not suffering anymore.
This cockersucker, after all his appeals
Will still be able to jerk off in his cell.
Hopefully there's true justice inside,
waiting for him.

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