my WC Xl

GK - casillas (real madrid, baby)

D - Puyol
D - Pique
D - Uruguay captain, fair hair
D - Maicon
M - Schwinsteiger
M - Xavi
M - Muller
M - Sneijder (madrid reject, won treble on madrid soil, up yours Perez!)
F - Forlan
F - David Villa

3 subs

Olympic Diver - Iniesta
Over-rated - eternally England


A hooker is not a whore.
She is what she is and no more.
She lingers on the streets
like we long to let it bleed;
She masquerades
but otherwise has no face,
unless you name her.

You can be witty -
dirty, drunk in sorrow,
like clowns repenting tomorrow-
none of it is shared.

When passion is corrupted,
baseless energy misguided,
and your screams turn into a whimper,
maybe you can even thank her.
Scheme and dream to find your soul mate.
Place your picture on the internet.
Hope someone sees you as you do.